Column Wraps

Column Wraps

Column Wraps are often used to decorate structural columns found in foyers, lobbies, and arenas. In many cases adhesive vinyl decals are used to go around the column. However, our Custom Fabric Column Wraps are easier to install using only a vertical zipper. This means they can be installed and removed faster with no tools, and with zero damage to the finish on the column.


  • Smooth stretch fabric that holds the graphic in position with no fasteners or adhesives.
  • Non-Glare finish on the column wrap’s pillar, tower, or pole.
  • Washable and reusable column wraps.
  • The black fabric inside liner for blocking out anything that might already be on the column.
  • The fabric folds into a small package for shipping and storage.
  • Great for wayfinding and directional signage at sporting events, hotels, and tradeshows.
  • Vibrant dye-sublimation prints for an eye-popping color.

Inportant Considerations

What is the shape of the columns?

Column wraps can be used on round or rectangular pillars. Measure the overall height and then the outside circumference for round pillars, or all sides for a flat-sided pillar.


Is the column indoors or outdoors?

For outdoor column wraps, we use special finishing techniques to ensure a secure fit regardless of wind or weather.


Are any cutouts required?

Columns commonly have obstructions that need to be planned around such as electrical, conduit / pipes, and emergency signage.

Installation Instructions

Professional installation is recommended for any wrap where safety is a concern. In some cases the columns can be very tall, and may require specialty lifts and safety equipment.

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